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Frick Hall, also know as the University Library, was the University of Wooster’s original library building. Enlarged several times, Frick Hall was the main library of the College for over 50 years. After a brief stint as classrooms and gallery space for the art department, Frick Hall was returned to its original purpose in 1998 , to that of a library, this time dedicated to the sciences.
We encourage visitors to the site to add your own comments about what Frick Hall means to you, and any remembrances you might have of the building on the VoiceThread below, or in any of the comments sections on the pages.* If you are having trouble manipulating the VoiceThread, head over to the FAQ page, here, for a quick introduction to VoiceThread.
*Unfortunately the VoiceThread is flash based and may be inaccessible to visitors on some mobile devices.